So lets talk about this; how many systems do you play? One, two maybe? Three or four. But really? Are they different or is the separation setting and costume, or perhaps it’s simply in a name?
I know in the past I’ve played several characters over a handful of systems, but I return again and again to the same type – and I’m not the only one. I can count on the fact that that certain peoples characters can just get stuff done IC no matter their intention or humble background. People almost always play to type.
It has never been my intention to do this. I’ve played mages, high magic, and low magic systems, but I always end up back to a wall with a knife in my hand. I’ve played warriors, heroes, and big shiny types, yet I always seem to end up behind the bad guy with my knife. I’ve played airsoft LRP systems too and again I end up either close up – knife in hand – or slinking through shadows with my sidearm readied and my rifle slung. The character always adapts in my head to be the same kind of hero.
Yet this is not a thing that happens to monster or NPC roles that I take on. My monster roles stay as briefed. Mages are mages, heroes are heroic and comedic roles are funny (ed. – funny? You sure?). But I register my own character and slowly, despite best intentions, I always sink into a comfortable role of the ranger type. Even when I’m trying to play as a mage, healer or any other type that isn’t my default. I find myself just in that mindset, stood behind that tree, behind that villain.
So how about you? How many characters do you play, one with three names? Two over four systems? Or do you truly manage to play different characters in different worlds?
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