A small piece of good news in a time of upheaval and darkness – Bluprint has made its entire library of 1300 online classes free for the next two weeks. That means if you’re stuck at home with time on your hands, you can learn some new skills to make or upgrade some larp kit.
I’ve taken so many of Bluprint’s online classes over the last few years (mostly when they’ve been offering freebie weekends) and they’ve opened my eyes to new skills time and time again. I especially like the way you can skip backwards whenever you want – handy for someone like me who is easily distracted!

All you have to do is sign up. You don’t need a credit card or to take out a subscription. All Bluprint want you to do is sign up for an account and then you get access to their classes for free.
Where to start first?
Now if it was me who was looking to upgrade my larp kit while this offer is on, I’d be starting with the hand embroidery classes (especially the one with Natalie Chanin). There are a couple of classes that focus on learning to embroider borders or geometric patterns that would work really well on a basic tunic or cloak.
There are also some good classes on the basics of garment construction that could help you take your first steps into making your own costume. And if you’re a bit more advanced then take a look at some of the pattern drafting classes. Yes, they’re now showing you how to make larp kit. But the skills are transferrable and you’ll be making your own patterns in no time.
If you’ve always fancied tidying up the inside of your garments in a non-historically authentic way, then I know some friends who have taken the ‘Beginner Serging’ class and it’s really helped them get to grips with their overlocker.
Don’t snub the woodworking classes either! I can’t be the only one that would love a whole set of beautiful medieval style camp benches and chairs but doesn’t have the pennies. Every summer I say I’m going to learn woodworking – perhaps this is the year I finally make my camp kitchen?
Classes for homeschooling kids
Bluprint also has a ‘family’ section on the site full of craft classes that you can either take with your kids or sit them in front of while you get on with other work.
Many parents are looking for educational things to do with their kids while they’re at home from school, and these classes provide opportunities for the kids to learn new skills that will help them in the future. Learning basic hand sewing as a kid has saved so many of my items of clothing from heading to the bin.
Let me know which classes you end up taking if you do sign up – and do post the results of anything new that you try! We’d all love to see how you get creative in this extraordinary time.
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